WBC2025 Industry Forum – A call to present industry and academic innovation that has resulted in successful practical applications
What is the WBC2025 Industry Forum?
The WBC2025 Industry Forum is a full-day event within the CIB World Building Congress WBC2025, scheduled for Tuesday, May 20, 2025.
The WBC2025 Industry Forum aims to provide a platform for presenting industry and academic innovation that has resulted in successful practical applications. The practical effects of such work can manifest in various ways, including:
- Distinct use by commercial companies to improve profitability
- Justification for changes in building codes or other regulatory matters
- Motivation for legislation
- Modifications by industry associations of their programs or training classes
- Other changes driven by the direct application of the work
Who should attend
This session is designed for both industry and academic professionals interested in learning about and sharing examples of innovation that have demonstrated practical applications with valuable results within and beyond their own organization (academia or industry).
Instructions for authors
Interested authors are invited to submit a brief description of their work (a summary up to one page) for consideration to be included in the Industry Forum session. A review board comprising both industry and academic representatives will review all submissions and select those to be formally included in the Congress program. If accepted, authors will be asked to prepare a 10-minute presentation (in the format of their choice), followed by a 5-minute Q&A session.
We seek work that has already shown its practicality. Authors are encouraged to submit not only the latest work that has not previously been presented but also previous work if it has had a significant impact outside academia and/or their company.
The summary should address the following questions:
- What is the specific outcome that resulted in successful practical applications?
- Was the application planned or serendipitous?
- What was the sequence of events enabling the valuable application?
- Has there been any feedback about the value of the application or how it might be improved?
- What else should be shared to help other academics understand how their work might better deliver practical benefits outside academia and how best to implement such processes?
- How can companies capitalize/commercialize their innovation?
Please email your MS Word or PDF document to: [email protected] or [email protected]
We anticipate that some submissions for the Industry Forum session will come from attendees presenting papers at WBC2025, giving them an opportunity for an additional presentation. We also encourage authors not presenting papers at WBC2025 to submit their work for the Industry Forum session.
Participants can register for the entire Congress, which includes the Industry Forum, or opt for a 1-day registration for the Industry Forum only.
Important dates
Deadline for Summary Submission: Monday, January 13, 2025
We look forward to welcoming you to WBC2025 in May 2025.