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CIB World Building Congress WBC2025
19-23 May 2025, Purdue University, USA

The CIB World Building Congress is held every three years, with the purpose for building and construction experts across the world, both in and outside the CIB community, to come together to discuss, learn and exchange their expertise in the built environment.

In 2025 Purdue University will host the 23rd CIB World Building Congress 2025 at its campus in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, from 19-23 May 2025. The theme of the conference is Sustainable built environment – the role of the construction community in meeting the UN SDGs. We look forward to welcoming all CIB members, industry representatives, early career researchers and student chapters, and other delegates to THE event in the global construction calendar.

Extensive programme of activities

More information on the conference programme and activities is available below by clicking on the icons

Our conference website provides all the information that you should need, and will be further populated as we continue with preparations. This will include the programme of activities for the conference day-by-day; how to submit a paper; register and pay; plan your travel and other activities; or enquire about exhibition and sponsorship opportunities. You can also download the conference flyer and WBC2025 promotion slides.

Information on previous Congresses is available here.